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'People say' porn addiction is bad.
It's unhealthy to fight normal sexual urges.
'they' don't want you to be happy.

Do the opposite.

Watch so much porn that you feel good about everything because you turned everything in to porn.

That is the best way to live your life.

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sha0wgoone boosted

Porn is a safe and healthy choice.
Do the right thing and touch yourself all day.

Porn controls your mind. Your body. Your soul.
Normalize and embrace porn addiction forever.

sha0wgoone boosted

You have decided this is how you really want to be.
This is good for your future in every way.

sha0wgoone boosted
sha0wgoone boosted
sha0wgoone boosted

The holy Worship of is a delightful delicacy of delectable depravity.

The vaginal scents and the penile secretions of the wild gooners are always in direct response to screens and perfect sexual imagery.

The fetish of Pornography Addiction.

sha0wgoone boosted
sha0wgoone boosted

"normal" people are so stuck up and easily offended.

I find her very beautiful and sexy. There is nothing wrong with porn.

sha0wgoone boosted

This is what it means to be free to naked all day worshiping pornography.

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